adjust extensions

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{{Ex/inival||real numbers|adjusts the depth below a map tile that cannot be passed upon penalty of death, ie. game over|real}}
====Restructuring of [Adjust]====
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal colour codes|replaces the colour of the black tint that is a backdrop for text and menus. The default value is 80000000, or half black. Note that there is a second black tint the is applied over the first black tine. Refer to [[#blackened_tint2]]|color}}
The old version of this section is available here[]. Many extensions changed with SomEx ver.
*The map setting extensions were combined into the fov_ group and simplified as much as possible.  
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal colour codes|replaces the colour of the second layer of black tint. Refer to [[#blackened_tint]]. The default value is 64000000, or quarter black. Note that this is the tint that is used by [[#do_pause]] when the game is paused|color}}
*The pc_..._speed_multiplier group was removed. See the [[#Number]] section for how to directly set the _WALK, _DASH, and _TURN constants.
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal colour codes|replaces the colour of the blue flash that is triggered by in game events. The default value is ff0000ff, or pure blue. Note that the flash begins fully opaque and then tails off. The blending mode is not based on the alpha component, but the colour is divided by the alpha component as a courtesy, and if the colour is fully transparent, the flash will not appear|color}}
*The pov_baseline_adjustment extension was replace by [[#player_character_stature]].
*The sway and bob_..._multiplier extensions were removed along with do_sway. The sway can now be directly set by [[#player_character_bob2]] however bob_frequency_multiplier is still awaiting its replacement.
*The menu and onscreen display element ..._opacity_multiplier extensions were removed. The ..._opacity_adjustment extensions need to reproduce the math taking into account the incoming opacity values.
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|establishes the depth below a map tile that cannot be passed upon penalty of death, ie. game over. By default it is -10. This replaces abyss_event_adjustment|real}}
'''2017 note: Does [[Som2k]] work this way? In practice the -10 death point rarely triggers and or may only apply to tile types that are marked as special "pits."'''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the walking effect(s) experienced by the player|real}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal color codes|replaces the color of the black tint that is a backdrop for text and menus. The default value is 80000000, or half black. Note that there is a second black tint that is applied over the first black tint. Refer to [[#blackened_tint2]]|color}}
''Sword of Moonlight's bob effect is quite eccentric. 0.075 meters, just shy of 3 inches. Not so implausible for a mad dash, but you will probably want to tone this down in your game. Consider [[#do_sway]] and [[#sway_distance_multiplier]] while you are at it.''
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal color codes|replaces the color of the second layer of black tint. Refer to [[#blackened_tint]]. The default value is 64000000, or quarter black. Note that this is the tint that is used by [[#do_pause]] when the game is paused|color}}
'''Note: the original Sword of Moonlight bob allows the player character to gain height and thus see over obstacles which the author may not have accounted for. This is inverted. Refer to [[#do_som]].'''
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal color codes|replaces the color of the blue flash that is triggered by in game events. The default value is ff0000ff, or pure blue. Note that the flash begins fully opaque and then tails off. The blending mode is not based on the alpha component, but the color is divided by the alpha component as a courtesy, and if the color is fully transparent, the flash will not appear|color}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|generates custom character identifiers to be used as parameters to other extensions and to be included by [[SomEx/list_of_numbers#pc|pc]]. This number receives an input (a parameter) that is encoded by [[SomEx/list_of_numbers#id|id]]. These are default identifiers. The purpose of this extension is to remap and or combine identifiers.
''Formerly this extension was part of the [[#Detail]] section.''
Historically Sword of Moonlight segregates would-be characters into four classes. These classes are enemy, NPC, object, and PC. Unless this segregation is by some method obliterated, then this extension will receive a two-part number to be decoded by [[SomEx/list_of_numbers#di|4096di]] and 4097di in order to obtain a [[SOM_PRM]] item number and character class, respectively. Class number 0 is enemies; 1 NPCs; 2 objects; 3 the PC.
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the number of times the walking effect will loop over the distance of a meter when moving at full walking speed. Each loop can be thought of as a single step. An increased frequency amounts to a shorter stride. A decrease a longer stride|real}}
''There is a second parameter that is the [[SOM_MAP]] content identifier, which may be used to further specialize character identifiers.''
The PC's number is 12288, since their item number is 0. In a multi-PC scenario this extension could, for example, take a [[SomEx/list_of_numbers#c|counter]] into consideration|number}}
{{Ex/inival||positive real numbers|multiplies the draw distance uniformly across [[SOM_MAP#Draw Distance|maps]]|real}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|pulls the fog to the player as the value approaches 1. It is then averaged with [[#fog_pushback_factor]] to determine where fog will begin|real}}
{{Ex/inival||base 256 identifiers|overrides the color of the level's fog. As of there isn't a way to retrieve the current level's fog parameters, so if this extension is used the fog's color setting in [[SOM_MAP]] should be disregarded|id}}
{{Ex/inival||positive real numbers|pushes the fog away from the player arriving at the [[SOM_MAP#Draw Distance|draw distance]] when the value reaches 1. It is then averaged with [[#fog_pullback_factor]] to determine where fog will begin|real}}
{{Ex/inival||positive real numbers|specifies the beginning and effective end of the fog. When the part after ''adjustment'' is omitted, the starting point of the fog is specified in terms of meters. Note that in [[SOM_MAP]] this is represented by a fraction of the way to the back of the fog; not so here. The unadjusted value is provided.  
'''fov_fogline_adjustment2''' specifies the end point of the fog. If the level does not have a sky/backdrop then the in game scene shall comes to an end at this point. The unadjusted value is provided. This value is equivalent to SOM_MAP's per map visibility setting. Refer to [[#fov_skyline_adjustment2]]|real}}
{{Ex/inival||positive real numbers|multiplies the distance at which fog becomes fully saturated|real}}
''Since the default is 1.2. The default will revert back to 1 as soon as this makeshift extension is no longer of general use.''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the horizontal angle of what is visible to Sword of Moonlight in game. It can be game dependent, but you may need to increase this (from 1) to create gutters along the sides of the field of vision if you notice map tiles disappearing (along the sides) especially when moving quickly with analog controls. Generally the higher the turn speed the more you might need to lean on this. Note that this is not a fix for problems of this nature in widescreen mode. See [[#do_fix_fov_in_memory]] (or [[#do_fix_any_trivial]]) in that case|real}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the horizontal angle of what is visible to Sword of Moonlight in game. It can be game dependent, but you may need to increase this (from 1) to create gutters along the sides of the field of vision if you notice map tiles disappearing (along the sides) especially when moving quickly with analog controls. Generally the higher the turn speed the more you might need to lean on this. Note that this is not a fix for problems of this nature in widescreen mode. See [[#do_fix_fov_in_memory]] (or [[#do_fix_any_trivial]]) in that case|real}}
''This can also be a means to work with map tiles that have "eaves" far outside of 2x2 meters (the natural size of a single tile) however generally speaking this is not recommended in terms of best practices.''  
''This can also be a means to work with map tiles that have "eaves" far outside of 2x2 meters (the natural size of a single tile) however generally speaking this is not recommended in terms of best practices.''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers between 0.025 and 1|is expressed as a fraction of the end of both the fog and the sky/backdrop so that it should cover the same amount of pixels at any given distance. By default it is 0.025 and cannot be made less that this. This is to ensure that there is always a soft transition where the end of the fog and sky blend into the scenery. The sky transition is dependent upon [[#do_alphafog]], which is also enabled by [[#do_fog]]|real}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers between 0.025 and 1|is available to set the fog minimum independent of the sky/backdrop minimum. If not explicitly set, it is identical to [[#fov_sky_and_fog_minima]]|real}}
{{Ex/inival||positive real numbers|exponentiates the sky/backdrop and fog. By default it is 1, or linear. Values around 0.5, or the square root, produce a sharp cutoff along the fog horizon, and so are not recommended. Values above 1 create an ever thicker fog. At present this extension must be set to a constant value, and so values between 0.75 and 1.5 are recommended. Furthermore it only applies to per pixel fog using the recommended custom Sword of Moonlight "shaders". '''Since''' the fog exponent can be set independently of the sky/backdrop's with '''fov_sky_and_fog_powers2'''. ( corrects a bug that reversed the values in the "shader.") If it is not explicitly set it is identical to [[#fov_sky_and_fog_power]]|real}}
{{Ex/inival||positive real numbers|specifies the beginning and effective end of the sky. When the part after ''adjustment'' is omitted, the starting point of the sky is specified in terms of meters. The unadjusted value is provided. Note that by default the start of the sky is equal to the end of the sky.
'''fov_skyline_adjustment2''' specifies the end point of the sky. If the level does not have a sky/backdrop both fov_skyline_adjustment and fov_skyline_adjustment2 should be disregarded. Otherwise [[#fov_fogline_adjustment2]] cannot be greater than fov_skyline_adjustment2 and so will be scaled back if necessary. Refer to [[#fov_sky_and_fog_minima]]|real}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal colour codes|replaces the colour of the green flash that is triggered by in game events. The default value is ff00ff00, or pure green. Note that the flash begins fully opaque and then tails off. The blending mode is not based on the alpha component, but the colour is divided by the alpha component as a courtesy, and if the colour is fully transparent, the flash will not appear|color}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal color codes|replaces the color of the green flash that is triggered by in game events. The default value is ff00ff00, or pure green. Note that the flash begins fully opaque and then tails off. The blending mode is not based on the alpha component, but the color is divided by the alpha component as a courtesy, and if the color is fully transparent, the flash will not appear|color}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers between -1 and 1|adds to the opacity of the flashing menu panelling. Note that [[#panelling_opacity_multiplier]] also does this. This extension is probably only useful when the menu panelling is made to be fully transparent. Further note that if the highlight dips below a certain threshold it will be set to a default value equal to that threshold|real}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers between 0.06 and 1|adjusts the opacity of the flashing menu paneling. The unadjusted opacity is supplied|real}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the opacity of the flashing portion of the flashing menu panelling such that a value of 0 eliminates the flashing animation, and values greater than 1 makes the flash more pronounced|real}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal colour codes|replaces the colour of the gauges when emptied. The default is unspecified, as of it is 55808080. To emulate Sword of Moonlight you can use a value of 00 to make only the filled portions of the gauges visible|color}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal color codes|replaces the color of the gauges when emptied. The default is unspecified, as of it is 55808080. To emulate Sword of Moonlight you can use a value of 00 to make only the filled portions of the gauges visible|color}}
''The depleted gauges were needed by [[#do_st]] to emulate [[Shadow Tower]]. It is simpler to just leave them as a permanent fixture. Plus it just looks nice.''
''The depleted gauges were needed by [[#do_st]] to emulate [[Shadow Tower]]. It is simpler to just leave them as a permanent fixture. Plus it just looks nice.''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers between -1 and 1|adds to the opacity of the HUD (heads up display) gauges. Note that the emptied halves of the gauges are unaffected. Refer to [[#hud_gauge_depleted_half_tint]]|real}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers between 0 and 1|adjusts the opacity of the HUD (heads up display) gauges. Note that the emptied halves of the gauges are unaffected. Refer to [[#hud_gauge_depleted_half_tint]]. The unadjusted opacity is supplied|real}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the opacity of the flashing portion of the HUD (heads up display) gauges such that a value of 0 eliminates the flashing animation, and values greater than 1 makes the flash more pronounced|real}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal colour codes|replaces the colour of the in-game text's "shadows". Partial transparency is not supported as of Refer to [[#lettering_tint]]|real}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal color codes|replaces the color of the in-game text's "shadows". The default color is 464646. Partial transparency is not supported as of Refer to [[#lettering_tint]]|color}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal colour codes|replaces the colour of the in-game text. Partial transparency is not supported as of Refer to [[#lettering_contrast]]|color}}
''What this actually does is recolor text that is the color of Sword of Moonlight's shadows. Refer to [[#system_fonts_contrast]] and [[#status_fonts_contrast]].''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers between 0 and 2|multiplies the opacity of the menu panelling (this does not include the menu frames) such that a value of 0 eliminates the panelling, and a value of 2 makes the panelling fully opaque|real}}
''Note that the spelling may be considered British English. This is the only form supported at this time.''
'''''Tip: this is the only way to change the default color for dialogue text and subtitles. Just avoid making the system and status fonts the same color and you can recolor all three independently.'''''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the player character's dashing speed. Note that the game may <u>not</u> implement dashing, or may turn the feature on and off according to in game events|real}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal color codes|replaces the color of the in-game text. The default color is dcdcdc. Partial transparency is not supported as of Refer to [[#lettering_contrast]]|color}}
''What this actually does is recolor text that is the color of Sword of Moonlight's text. Refer to [[#system_fonts_tint]] and [[#status_fonts_tint]].''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the player character's turning speed|real}}
'''''Tip: this is the only way to change the default shadow color for dialogue text and subtitles. Just avoid making the system and status fonts the same color and you can recolor all three independently.'''''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the player character's walking speed|real}}
{{Ex/inival||negative real numbers|scales the opacity of the [[NPC]]-style shadows. By default it is -1 (note: not 1; positive values are reserved for per red, green, blue factors) and if set to 0 the shadows will be invisible &mdash; however DO NOT DO THIS as a way to hide the shadows. Use [[#npc_shadows_multiplier]] instead so that you might benefit your frame rate|real}}
''Formerly pov_baseline_in_meters prior to''
{{Ex/inival||positive real numbers|scales the [[NPC]]-style shadows. By default it is 1. To disable these shadows it's correct to set this extension to 0. Refer to [[#player_character_shadow]]|real}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|adds to the player's eye level -- as of arms are not '''yet''' adjusted accordingly. '''This is fixed in'''. Note that this extension does not change the height of the player in terms of passing beneath obstacles for example|real}}
{{Ex/inival||base 256 identifiers|overrides the color of the [[NPC]]-style shadows. By default it is id(0,0,0) or 0 or black|id}}
''pov_baseline_in_meters was originally setup for [[Trismegistus]] (which does away with combat elements) and therefore the arm thing funnily enough was not a problem. Nevertheless the arms are an oversight. Arms work in''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers between 0 and 1|adjusts the opacity of the menu paneling. The unadjusted opacity is supplied. Historically this value is always 0.5|real}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal colour codes|replaces the colour of the red flash that is triggered by in game events. The default value is ffff0000, or pure red. Note that the flash begins fully opaque and then tails off. The blending mode is not based on the alpha component but the colour is divided by the alpha component as a courtesy, and if the colour is fully transparent, the flash will not appear|color}}
{{Ex/inival||hexadecimal color codes|replaces the color of the red flash that is triggered by in game events. The default value is ffff0000, or pure red. Note that the flash begins fully opaque and then tails off. The blending mode is not based on the alpha component but the color is divided by the alpha component as a courtesy, and if the color is fully transparent, the flash will not appear|color}}
''Sword of Moonlight displays this flash if the player character receives damage in order to elicit a sensation of pain from the player. If interested in modulating this effect, refer first to [[#do_red]].''
''Sword of Moonlight displays this flash if the player character receives damage in order to elicit a sensation of pain from the player. If interested in modulating this effect, refer first to [[#do_red]].''
''Absent as of Will be back.''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|colorizes the sky to match the global ambient light at 1|real}}
{{Ex/inival||positive real numbers|works like [[#draw_distance_multiplier]], however it only applies to [[SOM_MAP|maps]] with skies. It supersedes '''draw_distance_multiplier'''|real}}
This extension is planned but <u>not</u> yet implemented. It will brighten the sky above 1 and darkens it below 1. It is meant to balance out the colours produced by [[#sky_ambience_factor]].
{{Ex/inival||real numbers between 0 and 1|determines a point between the fog saturation distance at 0 and the sky distance at 1 and smoothly blends things beyond that point into the sky. As if the sky is a second layer of fog beyond the first|real}}
''Note, the utility is to have your game's skyline blend into the "skybox". The effect itself is quite natural and complements well the way Sword of Moonlight fades NPCs and items into and out of view. It is recommended to use this instead of deploying over ambitious tricks to hide the horizon or resorting to draw distances that are all encompassing.''
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|changes the way the title screen options are masked. As the value approaches 1 the transparency effect is replaced by a darkening effect. This is especially useful if the title screen is not a flat colour behind the text. Note that as of the title screen elements, pushstart.bmp etc., have black pixels knocked out like every other texture|real}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|changes the way the title screen options are masked. As the value approaches 1 the transparency effect is replaced by a darkening effect. This is especially useful if the title screen is not a flat color behind the text. Note that as of the title screen elements, pushstart.bmp etc., have black pixels knocked out like every other texture|real}}
''If you are considering your options. It is recommended that you first see if [[#do_start]] is implemented or not (it is not as of and use that if so. It simply uses text in place of images. Text is much less work for translators to deal with. It is not clear how or if start_blackout_factor will interplay with do_start.''
''If you are considering your options. It is recommended that you first see if [[#do_start]] is implemented or not (it is not as of and use that if so. It simply uses text in place of images. Text is much less work for translators to deal with. It is not clear how or if start_blackout_factor will interplay with do_start.''
{{Ex/inival|1.1.2.?|hexadecimal color codes|replaces the color of the start menu text or image. Refer to [[#do_start]]|color}}
{{Ex/inival||real numbers|multiplies the horizontal sway walking effect supplied by [[#do_sway]]. Note that the "sway" itself is initially equal in magnitude to the vertical "bob" effect. Refer to [[#bob_distance_multiplier]]|real}}
''An author or player may want to tweak this if they decide that it is more realistic to move more (or less) horizontally (side to side) than vertically when walking.''

Latest revision as of 02:26, 16 February 2018

Restructuring of [Adjust][edit]

The old version of this section is available here[1]. Many extensions changed with SomEx ver.

  • The map setting extensions were combined into the fov_ group and simplified as much as possible.
  • The pc_..._speed_multiplier group was removed. See the #Number section for how to directly set the _WALK, _DASH, and _TURN constants.
  • The sway and bob_..._multiplier extensions were removed along with do_sway. The sway can now be directly set by #player_character_bob2 however bob_frequency_multiplier is still awaiting its replacement.
  • The menu and onscreen display element ..._opacity_multiplier extensions were removed. The ..._opacity_adjustment extensions need to reproduce the math taking into account the incoming opacity values.


Introduced around, this extension establishes the depth below a map tile that cannot be passed upon penalty of death, ie. game over. By default it is -10. This replaces abyss_event_adjustment. Values are limited to real numbers.[#]

2017 note: Does Som2k work this way? In practice the -10 death point rarely triggers and or may only apply to tile types that are marked as special "pits."


Introduced around, this extension replaces the color of the black tint that is a backdrop for text and menus. The default value is 80000000, or half black. Note that there is a second black tint that is applied over the first black tint. Refer to #blackened_tint2. Values are limited to hexadecimal color codes.[#]

blackened_tint2 Introduced around, this extension replaces the color of the second layer of black tint. Refer to #blackened_tint. The default value is 64000000, or quarter black. Note that this is the tint that is used by #do_pause when the game is paused. Values are limited to hexadecimal color codes.[#]


Introduced around, this extension replaces the color of the blue flash that is triggered by in game events. The default value is ff0000ff, or pure blue. Note that the flash begins fully opaque and then tails off. The blending mode is not based on the alpha component, but the color is divided by the alpha component as a courtesy, and if the color is fully transparent, the flash will not appear. Values are limited to hexadecimal color codes.[#]


Introduced around, this extension generates custom character identifiers to be used as parameters to other extensions and to be included by pc. This number receives an input (a parameter) that is encoded by id. These are default identifiers. The purpose of this extension is to remap and or combine identifiers.

Historically Sword of Moonlight segregates would-be characters into four classes. These classes are enemy, NPC, object, and PC. Unless this segregation is by some method obliterated, then this extension will receive a two-part number to be decoded by 4096di and 4097di in order to obtain a SOM_PRM item number and character class, respectively. Class number 0 is enemies; 1 NPCs; 2 objects; 3 the PC.

There is a second parameter that is the SOM_MAP content identifier, which may be used to further specialize character identifiers.

The PC's number is 12288, since their item number is 0. In a multi-PC scenario this extension could, for example, take a counter into consideration. Values are limited to real numbers.[#]


Introduced around, this extension overrides the color of the level's fog. As of there isn't a way to retrieve the current level's fog parameters, so if this extension is used the fog's color setting in SOM_MAP should be disregarded. Values are limited to base 256 identifiers.[#]


Introduced around, this extension specifies the beginning and effective end of the fog. When the part after adjustment is omitted, the starting point of the fog is specified in terms of meters. Note that in SOM_MAP this is represented by a fraction of the way to the back of the fog; not so here. The unadjusted value is provided.

fov_fogline_adjustment2 specifies the end point of the fog. If the level does not have a sky/backdrop then the in game scene shall comes to an end at this point. The unadjusted value is provided. This value is equivalent to SOM_MAP's per map visibility setting. Refer to #fov_skyline_adjustment2. Values are limited to positive real numbers.[#]


Since the default is 1.2. The default will revert back to 1 as soon as this makeshift extension is no longer of general use.

Introduced around, this extension multiplies the horizontal angle of what is visible to Sword of Moonlight in game. It can be game dependent, but you may need to increase this (from 1) to create gutters along the sides of the field of vision if you notice map tiles disappearing (along the sides) especially when moving quickly with analog controls. Generally the higher the turn speed the more you might need to lean on this. Note that this is not a fix for problems of this nature in widescreen mode. See #do_fix_fov_in_memory (or #do_fix_any_trivial) in that case. Values are limited to real numbers.[#]

This can also be a means to work with map tiles that have "eaves" far outside of 2x2 meters (the natural size of a single tile) however generally speaking this is not recommended in terms of best practices.


Introduced around, this extension is expressed as a fraction of the end of both the fog and the sky/backdrop so that it should cover the same amount of pixels at any given distance. By default it is 0.025 and cannot be made less that this. This is to ensure that there is always a soft transition where the end of the fog and sky blend into the scenery. The sky transition is dependent upon #do_alphafog, which is also enabled by #do_fog. Values are limited to real numbers between 0.025 and 1.[#]

Introduced around, this extension is available to set the fog minimum independent of the sky/backdrop minimum. If not explicitly set, it is identical to #fov_sky_and_fog_minima. Values are limited to real numbers between 0.025 and 1.[#]


Introduced around, this extension exponentiates the sky/backdrop and fog. By default it is 1, or linear. Values around 0.5, or the square root, produce a sharp cutoff along the fog horizon, and so are not recommended. Values above 1 create an ever thicker fog. At present this extension must be set to a constant value, and so values between 0.75 and 1.5 are recommended. Furthermore it only applies to per pixel fog using the recommended custom Sword of Moonlight "shaders". Since the fog exponent can be set independently of the sky/backdrop's with fov_sky_and_fog_powers2. ( corrects a bug that reversed the values in the "shader.") If it is not explicitly set it is identical to #fov_sky_and_fog_power. Values are limited to positive real numbers.[#]


Introduced around, this extension specifies the beginning and effective end of the sky. When the part after adjustment is omitted, the starting point of the sky is specified in terms of meters. The unadjusted value is provided. Note that by default the start of the sky is equal to the end of the sky.

fov_skyline_adjustment2 specifies the end point of the sky. If the level does not have a sky/backdrop both fov_skyline_adjustment and fov_skyline_adjustment2 should be disregarded. Otherwise #fov_fogline_adjustment2 cannot be greater than fov_skyline_adjustment2 and so will be scaled back if necessary. Refer to #fov_sky_and_fog_minima. Values are limited to positive real numbers.[#]


Introduced around, this extension replaces the color of the green flash that is triggered by in game events. The default value is ff00ff00, or pure green. Note that the flash begins fully opaque and then tails off. The blending mode is not based on the alpha component, but the color is divided by the alpha component as a courtesy, and if the color is fully transparent, the flash will not appear. Values are limited to hexadecimal color codes.[#]


Introduced around, this extension adjusts the opacity of the flashing menu paneling. The unadjusted opacity is supplied. Values are limited to real numbers between 0.06 and 1.[#]


Introduced around, this extension replaces the color of the gauges when emptied. The default is unspecified, as of it is 55808080. To emulate Sword of Moonlight you can use a value of 00 to make only the filled portions of the gauges visible. Values are limited to hexadecimal color codes.[#]

The depleted gauges were needed by #do_st to emulate Shadow Tower. It is simpler to just leave them as a permanent fixture. Plus it just looks nice.


Introduced around, this extension adjusts the opacity of the HUD (heads up display) gauges. Note that the emptied halves of the gauges are unaffected. Refer to #hud_gauge_depleted_half_tint. The unadjusted opacity is supplied. Values are limited to real numbers between 0 and 1.[#]


Introduced around, this extension replaces the color of the in-game text's "shadows". The default color is 464646. Partial transparency is not supported as of Refer to #lettering_tint. Values are limited to hexadecimal color codes.[#]

What this actually does is recolor text that is the color of Sword of Moonlight's shadows. Refer to #system_fonts_contrast and #status_fonts_contrast.

Tip: this is the only way to change the default color for dialogue text and subtitles. Just avoid making the system and status fonts the same color and you can recolor all three independently.


Introduced around, this extension replaces the color of the in-game text. The default color is dcdcdc. Partial transparency is not supported as of Refer to #lettering_contrast. Values are limited to hexadecimal color codes.[#]

What this actually does is recolor text that is the color of Sword of Moonlight's text. Refer to #system_fonts_tint and #status_fonts_tint.

Tip: this is the only way to change the default shadow color for dialogue text and subtitles. Just avoid making the system and status fonts the same color and you can recolor all three independently.


Introduced around, this extension scales the opacity of the NPC-style shadows. By default it is -1 (note: not 1; positive values are reserved for per red, green, blue factors) and if set to 0 the shadows will be invisible — however DO NOT DO THIS as a way to hide the shadows. Use #npc_shadows_multiplier instead so that you might benefit your frame rate. Values are limited to negative real numbers.[#]


Introduced around, this extension scales the NPC-style shadows. By default it is 1. To disable these shadows it's correct to set this extension to 0. Refer to #player_character_shadow. Values are limited to positive real numbers.[#]


Introduced around, this extension overrides the color of the NPC-style shadows. By default it is id(0,0,0) or 0 or black. Values are limited to base 256 identifiers.[#]


Introduced around, this extension adjusts the opacity of the menu paneling. The unadjusted opacity is supplied. Historically this value is always 0.5. Values are limited to real numbers between 0 and 1.[#]


Introduced around, this extension replaces the color of the red flash that is triggered by in game events. The default value is ffff0000, or pure red. Note that the flash begins fully opaque and then tails off. The blending mode is not based on the alpha component but the color is divided by the alpha component as a courtesy, and if the color is fully transparent, the flash will not appear. Values are limited to hexadecimal color codes.[#]

Sword of Moonlight displays this flash if the player character receives damage in order to elicit a sensation of pain from the player. If interested in modulating this effect, refer first to #do_red.


Introduced around, this extension changes the way the title screen options are masked. As the value approaches 1 the transparency effect is replaced by a darkening effect. This is especially useful if the title screen is not a flat color behind the text. Note that as of the title screen elements, pushstart.bmp etc., have black pixels knocked out like every other texture. Values are limited to real numbers.[#]

If you are considering your options. It is recommended that you first see if #do_start is implemented or not (it is not as of and use that if so. It simply uses text in place of images. Text is much less work for translators to deal with. It is not clear how or if start_blackout_factor will interplay with do_start.


Introduced around 1.1.2.?, this extension replaces the color of the start menu text or image. Refer to #do_start. Values are limited to hexadecimal color codes.[#]