editor extensions

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Extensions in this section deal exclusively with the editing tools which authors use to make new Sword of Moonlight games. For the most part other sections pertain to tools only in so far as if and when a tool includes previews of in game elements; extensions affecting the project should apply, however in practice this may not always be the case.


Introduced around, this extension complements #sort_.... Profiles that were not sorted into categories are listed towards the end of the menus in SOM_PRM. With this extension a heading may be applied to these unsorted, or assorted, profiles. The part after assorted may be an underscore (_). Refer to #sort_.... Values are limited to any string of text.[#]


Introduced around, this extension scales the clip volume in the windows where 3D graphics are on display. Scaling by values less than 1 will make objects appear larger, or closer, and scaling above 1 vice versa. 0.5 works very well in SOM_PRM. Values are limited to real numbers.[#]

Note: This extension is currently limited to SOM_PRM.


Introduced around, this extension effectively changes the background colour (normally black) in the windows where 3D graphics are on display. Values are limited to hexadecimal colour codes.[#]


Formerly do_hide_direct3d_hardware_devices prior to

Introduced around, this extension will hide any hardware accelerated display devices from Sword of Moonlight tools. If there is no pure software device available then there will be a failure to acquire a device. Use this as a last resort when having compatibility problems. Values are limited to binary statements.[#]

This extension is not intended to be necessary under any circumstances. It is a temporary fallback. If you find yourself relying upon it, please report the difficulties you are experiencing to someone who is in a position to resolve your issue.


Introduced around, this extension is nothing fancy. It will let you have Sword of Moonlight create a new project on top of an existing folder where a project may already be found. The normal project template will simply be written over whatever files and folders are in the target folder. Sword of Moonlight will not complain or refuse to do your bidding, neither will you be warned of the impending overwrite. Values are limited to binary statements.[#]


Introduced around, this extension is nothing fancy. It will let you have Sword of Moonlight create a new runtime on top of an existing folder where a runtime may already be found. Your project will simply be converted and deposited on top of whatever files and folders are in the target folder. Sword of Moonlight will not complain or refuse to do your bidding, neither will you be warned of the impending overwrite. Values are limited to binary statements.[#]


Introduced around, this extension selects a language pack from the text folder; not the lang folder! A language pack in the text folder is normally a compressed .zip archive. It can also be a directory if uncompressed. You should specify the name of the language pack file, without the .zip extension. However, as of the .zip extension will be ignored if present, and an absolute path to anywhere on the local file system can be used instead. Values are limited to a legal NTFS file title.

A language pack is a translation (into another language) of the various editing tools which make up Sword of Moonlight. See #Script for game translation extensions.


Introduced around, this extension sorts profiles in SOM_PRM into categories based on SET files. The part after sort_ must be one or more sets separated by underscores (_). An additional underscore may appear after the final set to indicate that a space ( ) should [u]not[/u] be appended to the end of the category heading.

By default a space (_) is appended to the heading, and the profile's description follows the space. %s can be written in order to embed the description directly within the heading. Categories appear in the order in which they appear in the INI files. A category can be removed by assigning it to an empty heading. Refer to #assorted.... Values are limited to any string of text.[#]


Introduced around, this extension blows up textures, smoothing them out in the process. So if set to 2, a 256x256 texture will become a 512x512 texture in memory. Sword of Moonlight alone will try to blow textures up to the maximum size allowed by the display device. With modern hardware that is quite dangerous, since 8192x8192 or better is common, which is a 256MB texture. The Sword of Moonlight Extension Library by default uses 256x256 textures. Values are limited to whole numbers; 1, 2, 4.[#]

It's not clear why Sword of Moonlight tools exhibit this behavior. One theory is the tools would in their day require software emulation under most circumstances to display graphics inside popup windows. Since filtering the texture on screen would be slower for a software rasterizer, blowing the texture up achieves the same effect while consuming considerably more memory.

The Extension Library ensures the texture is sampled in "halftone" mode. Sword of Moonlight neglects to do so and therefore where that is not the default behavior will likely consume about 16+ times the memory required without any positive effect.

+based on standard legacy software device numbers (1024x1024)