Sword of Moonlight Extension Library
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The Sword of Moonlight Extension Library or SomEx (short for SomEx.dll, pronounced like Psalm X) is an unofficial Sword of Moonlight extension framework. It is configured via cascading INI files. The extensions themselves may incorporate other types of files.
Version history
Each release includes a version number with four parts separated by periods or dots. The first number is the major version number, and the second the minor. These numbers are assigned according to arbitrary milestones. The third number should correspond to potential or known issues around compatibility. The fourth and last number is a public build number. A build just means that the program, which at its base is like a textual document, is turned into a file, like the SomEx.dll file. As of version demo builds get odd numbers, and official release builds get even numbers (note that a "build" may see multiple releases, or patches, due to fixes between releases.)
The fourth number can never be 0. If only two numbers appear it is the third and fourth. In which case the first two numbers are assumed to be contemporaneous. If only one number appears then it is the first. Which is unlikely to happen unless the version numbers become synonymous with Sword of Moonlight, and a "Sword of Moonlight 2" is warranted. Most likely to note a complete severing of compatibility. Version 0 was used by alpha builds.
Version is the minimum recommended version with respect to Sword of Moonlight bugs affecting games. There has not been a concerted effort so far to eliminate bugs from the game making tool suite. But it should basically work as intended on any Windows desktop operating systems from XP and upward.
Breaking changes
The following is essential reading for first time users. Or you could say, the short list of things you don't want to find out the hard way on your own time.
- Games should include a special counter called "Ex". This ensures the broken game clock is fixed and allows Ex to determine that the game is over, so that the clock can be reset along with anything else that may need to be similarly reset. A game should set this counter to 3 and advance the event to see if Ex sets it back to 1 or 2. 1 indicates som_db.exe is in use. 2 indicates som_rt.exe (support for which is soon to be discontinued.) Otherwise the game should show a message to the player warning them that the game may be corrupted if saved.
- By default the activation distance is considerably less for inanimate things on non-NPC class game elements. This can make it impossible to reach things in games. Likewise the player character shape may be fatter not allowing it to squeeze into alleyways that might be required to finish a game. Similarly games may be dependent upon a bug that would use the height of a box instead of its depth to forward events.
- Players are able to access the debugging features in your game if that is what they want to do. Just the same you needn't be dependent on the debugging version of the game program to do so for yourself. There are no plans to devote time to countermeasures to circumvent this. It is a core accessibility feature. Although considerations (within limits) will be made for regulated play one day.
- The library will attempt to generate default equipment to ensure that the player is always equipped. This is important to ensure that the gauges and presentation remain consistent. New control features may be broken if this requirement cannot be satisfied. At the minimum three item slots must remain unused. Although it is possible to designate your own items to act as the defaults so that is not necessary to generate them.
- A game will need to use the script framework to do many things. A script is a file that contains the written text of your game. Just like a manuscript. It is much easier to write for your game this way than to open up sophisticated three dimensional maps and navigate to and through their event driven micro programs to get at a bits and pieces of dialogue.
- It is recommended that a natural walking speed be used along with an approximately 3x dashing speed. The turn rate should be calibrated so that a rushing turns 90 degrees so that a fast turn will turn 180 degrees in the same amount of time. The walking turn rate should be at least 60 degrees per second to satisfy mouse users. A fast turn will then be 360 degrees per second.
See also
- /action extensions
- /adjust extensions
- /analog extensions
- /author extensions
- /boxart extensions
- /bugfix extensions
- /button extensions
- /damage extensions
- /detail extensions
- /editor extensions
- /extension legend
- /joypad extensions
- /keygen extensions
- /keymap extensions
- /keypad extensions
- /launch extensions
- /list of extensions
- /list of numbers
- /number extensions
- /option extensions
- /output extensions
- /player extensions
- /sample extensions
- /script extensions
- /system extensions
- /window extensions